Creating a Studio Environment: How to Implement Choice to Develop an Artistic Culture


Creating a Studio Environment: How to Implement Choice to Develop an Artistic Culture
Wednesday, July 1 | 7-8pm ET  
FREE for NAEA Members; $49 for non-members

Have you considered a switch to Choice or TAB in the high school setting? From Level 1 to AP Art and Design, learn how one teacher successfully transitioned to a studio environment, inclusive of varied courses and levels, to create authentic and rich collaborative experiences. See multiple examples of both the philosophical journey and the nuts and bolts of trial and error in moving from teacher-directed projects to student-centered artwork. Also, learn how to advocate for your studio setup both in your department and beyond.

Janet Taylor

Janet Taylor, MEd Secondary Education; BA Studio Arts, Theatre Arts Choice-Based Art Educator

Janet Taylor is a high school art teacher in the western suburbs of Chicago, teaching any and all media from jewelry/metals and photography to sculpture and AP Art and Design. After spending 10 years in New York City and Chicago working as a scenic artist, she returned to her passion of teaching. Over the past 6 years, Taylor has developed a Choice curriculum in all media and believes that by guiding students through their own creative processes, they are empowered to create unique and meaningful artworks. You may have seen her presentations at NAEA and Illinois Art Education Association conferences over the past several years, in which she discusses the journey (both successes and failures) to move her classroom structures to Choice and TAB. Taylor currently writes for the Art of Education University Magazine and is a founder and contributor to the Art Ed Collective.

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Clock hours provided upon completion of any NAEA professional learning program are granted for participation in an organized professional learning experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction, and can be used toward continuing education credit in most states. It is the responsibility of the participant to verify acceptance by professional governing authorities in their area.

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